Wednesday 30 October 2013

Just a little bit


I didn't get out fishing yesterday, a lunch invitation from my good lady gave me an option that lately hasn't been that hard not to accept, when it comes to fishing.
So I went today instead, what a cock up I made of that too, first of all I left it too late, faffing around in the house, and then I got halfway down the road and remembered, I didn't have my coat in the car!!
By this time it was well gone 2pm, it will take me an hour if the traffic is ok to get to the river, but I forced myself and arrived on the riverbank at about 3:30.
That gave me an hour and a half to fish, as I have to be off by dusk.
Never mind, my fishing frame of mind had improved.
Because of the time left to me, I had decided not to head up stream, but to start at the footbridge swim and move down stream, then back in short testing steps.
I didn't take my centrepin, thinking the river would be quite high, but my Shimano 4000 and my old Fox barbel special. They match each other well.
The river wasn't as high as expected, but getting back home later and re-checking the water level chart, it was obvious that some gates had been opened to rush the water through. It was close to summer levels but there was colour
So I put on a quarter ounce weight and tied a a size six direct filled with a good blob of well matured Stilton, alternated with flake, and tested just three swims there and back.
By the way Gurn, the Stilton is at least a year old, and even being in the freezer during that time had "improved" the smell to such a degree that eating it was the last thing on my mind!
Anyway, not a knock, maybe I hadn't given the swims enough time, and should have put myself in one and stuck it out?
During the time I had a chat with two old gents walking their dogs, and a couple of nice youngish ladies, also dog walking.
It felt quite good to be out.
I spotted my kingfisher twice,and was nagged by old Jenny Wren , because I chose to sit myself down next to her bramble bush. Also I noticed that the drake mallard still outnumber the females, five to one.
There'll be some trouble come mating time!!
Heading home at about 5pm got me straight into the start of clocking off time, getting off the A1 at Newark took an age, arriving home eventually at 6:30.
So, four and a half hours out for 90minutes fishing!
I just have to move house
Do you know what though, I may go down there again tomorrow, this time giving myself a bit more time and some fresher Stilton, I can still smell today's as I sit here despite a good wash!

I also have a plan hatching to be fishing the WelshWye next week.

The faffing about!

The faffing about that delayed me from fishing was what to do with all the fruit we had off the trees this year, particularly the plums, and the grape juice.
Some of the grape juice I've turned into a sorbet, not bad at present although it's a bit like a granita, so perhaps I'll try it with a bit more sugar for the next batch. We've bought some cream,so I'll have a go at some grape ice cream tomorrow.
Some of the plums I've put in a litre of vodka, we did something similar a good few years ago with damsons from our old house garden, and that turned out very well.The damsons after the good soaking, were then eaten with some good homemade custard, waste not want not!
We still have some plums left, most of our cooking apples, and our pear crop to deal with,at this rate a good few.pies,crumbles and tarte tatin are likely to be heading for the freezer.


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